Land use that disregards the potential of the land, like is the case in watershed areas, not only increases the danger of disaster, but it can also lead to environmental damage. This study intends to assess the land capacity and soil fertility in the Lesti Sub-watershed in Malang Regency, East Java Province. GIS analysis, descriptive analysis, and laboratory tests were the data analytic techniques employed in this study. Four different land use types Moor, Coffee Plantation, Snakefruit Plantation, and Shrubs can be found in the area surrounding the watershed, according to field observations. The research findings imply that sloping and hilly plains have limiting factors for variable land capacities and limiting factors such as land slope and permeability. The study also provides an overview, namely that overall soil fertility is low and in all land use units, including the limiting factors on base saturation, C-organic, phosphate, and potassium. Overall, the research gives information or instructions for accurately analyzing land resources to measure agricultural commodity output based on the physiography of watershed areas experiencing land degradation.
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