Ключевые слова: model of medical services, screening expert examination technology, medical-diagnostic process, quality of medical service, patient


Objective. To substantiate theoretical and methodological principles, develop scientific and practical recommendations for state management of medical services in Ukraine.

Materials and methods. There were used such research methods as synthesis, analysis, scientific abstraction when specifying the categorical-conceptual framework of research; system structural analysis when developing the conceptual principles of state regulation of the provision of medical services of appropriate quality and accessibility; discriminant analysis when assessing the cost of public health services in Ukraine.

Results. An approach to the formation of a system to improve the efficiency and quality of medical services in Ukraine has been developed. The system of continuous improvement of the quality of medical services has been developed, which combines financial and economic calculations for provided medical services with screening examination of the technology of medical and diagnostic process according to the models of medical services and allows to build a hierarchical management system for financing and quality of medical services.

Conclusions. The has been proposed the method of payment for medical services according to the models of simple and complex medical services, which is the most promising for use in conditions of limited financial resources and involves compliance with the following rules.


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Биографии авторов

Olena Karpenko, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Svitlana Stavytska, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor

Inna Artemenko, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Iryna Sidanich, University of Educational Management

Dr. hab. of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Iryna Prozhoha, National Aviation University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor


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Как цитировать
Karpenko, O., Stavytska, S., Artemenko, I., Sidanich, I., & Prozhoha, I. (2021). IMPROVEMENT OF MECHANISMS FOR STATE MANAGEMENT OF CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT OF QUALITY OF PROVISION OF MEDICAL SERVICES IN UKRAINE. Siberian Journal of Life Sciences and Agriculture, 13(2), 64-76.
Здравоохранение и профилактическая медицина