• Oyebade Ikusika Olusegun Department of Livestock and Pasture Sciences, Faculty of Science and Agriculture, University of Fort Hare
  • Thando Mpendulo Conference Department of Livestock and Pasture Sciences, Faculty of Science and Agriculture, University of Fort Hare


This study aimed to investigate the influence of fossil shell flour (FSF) supplementation levels on Dohne-Merino wethers’ position on enteric methane output. Twenty-four Dohne-Merino wethers (20.0±1.50 kg B.W.) were randomly assigned for 84 days to either of four dietary treatments: basal or basal diet supplemented with 2%,4% or 6%FSF on a dry matter basis. The enteric methane output was measured using a portable Laser Methane Detector (LMD) machine during feeding, standing, and resting activities. The highest volume of enteric methane was obtained from wethers supplemented with 4%, followed by 6%, 0%, and 2% FSF. Higher enteric methane emission was observed for resting wethers than those feeding and standing (P < 0.05). Including fossil shell flour in Dohne-merino wethers’ diets at 4% and 6% increases enteric methane output (P<0.05). Dohne-merino sheep emit more enteric methane when resting than when feeding or standing idle.


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Как цитировать
Olusegun, O., & Conference, T. (2023). EFFECT OF DIETARY SUPPLEMENTATION WITH FOSSIL SHELL FLOUR ON ENTERIC METHANE OUTPUT AND POSITION-DEPENDENT VARIATIONS IN DOHNE-MERINO WETHERS. Siberian Journal of Life Sciences and Agriculture, 15(2), 163-177. https://doi.org/10.12731/2658-6649-2023-15-2-163-177
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