Keywords: feed allowance, Holstein breed, dairy efficiency, lactating cow, dry period, Sakhalin


The study presents the results of a survey of agricultural enterprises and peasant farms in the Sakhalin Oblast. The authors conducted the visual estimation of the feed consumption and cows’ overall health, revealed the chemical analysis of primary zootechnical parameters of the feed, compared the results with the rates and previous data, and gave recommendations. Moreover, the authors assessed the fodder, feed allowance and compared it with the nutritional rates using the software “Feeding rations” developed by the “Plinor limited liability company”. Furthermore, one can identify that the daily milk yield of Holstein cows doubled in the period 2001–2010, but the feed allowance of the Holstein cows during lactation and dry periods still did not meet nutritional requirements. The low nutritional value of green forage is caused by the small amount of legumes in the herbage. One should prepare winter forage earlier to improve the quality of ration (hay, haylage, silage). Mowing grasses ten days later than the optimal time leads to a protein decrease in forage by 30%–35%. It is crucial to balance the feed allowance with biological and mineral supplements, adding grain mixture or sunflower cake.


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Author Biography

Inna O. Rozhkova-Timina, Sakhalin Research Institute of Agriculture

 PhD in Biology, Senior Researcher of Animal Breeding group



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Munksgaard L., Weisbjerg M.R., Henriksen J.C., Løvendahl P. Changes to steps, lying, and eating behavior during lactation in Jersey and Holstein cows and the relationship to feed intake, yield, and weight. Journal of Dairy Science, 2020, vol. 103, no. 5, pp. 4643-4653. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2019-17565

Petrov O., Semenov V., Alekseev V. Milk productivity of Holstein cows at optimization of fat levels in their diets. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021, Vol. 935, Article number 012014. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/935/1/012014

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Rozhkova-Timina I.O., Reshetnikova E.D. Cultivation of legume and gramineous grass mixtures for use on hayfields and pastures of southern Sakhalin. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci., 2022, Vol. 1112. Article number 012060. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1112/1/012060

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Singh N., Awasthi A., Patel P., Kumar G. Total Mixed Ration Feeding of Dairy Cows. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 2022, Vol. 15, pp. 25-27. https://doi.org/10.9790/2380-1504012527

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Petrov O., Semenov V., Alekseev V. Milk productivity of Holstein cows at optimization of fat levels in their diets // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021. Vol. 935. Article number 012014. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/935/1/012014

Pivtorak Ya.I., Hordiichuk L.M., Holodiuk I.P. Evaluation of rations of high-yielding cows with different energy levels // Scientific Messenger of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Agricultural sciences. 2022. Vol. 24, no. 97. P. 152–156. https://doi.org/10.32718/nvlveta9726

Rozhkova-Timina I.O., Reshetnikova E.D. Cultivation of legume and gramineous grass mixtures for use on hayfields and pastures of southern Sakhalin // IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 2022. Vol. 1112. Article number 012060. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1112/1/012060

Samutenko L.V., Slavkina V.P., Fedorova L.V. Results of the study of long-term dynamics of microbiological and agrochemical indexes of the fertility of the meadow-sod soils with the use of fertilization systems of different intensity (Sakhalin Island) // IOP Conf Ser: Earth Environ Sci. 2020. Vol. 613. Article number e012129. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315%2F613%2F1%2F012129

Singh N., Awasthi A., Patel P., Kumar G. Total mixed ration feeding of dairy cows // IOSR Journal of agriculture and veterinary science. 2022. Vol. 15. P. 25-27. https://doi.org/10.9790/2380-1504012527

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How to Cite
Rozhkova-Timina, I. (2023). FEED ALLOWANCE FOR HOLSTEIN COWS DURING LACTATION AND DRY PERIODS (SAKHALIN ISLAND). Siberian Journal of Life Sciences and Agriculture, 15(4), 56-73. https://doi.org/10.12731/2658-6649-2023-15-4-56-73
Agricultural Sciences