Siberian Journal of Life Sciences and Agriculture (ISSN 2658-6649; eISSN 2658-6657) is a multi-field dedicated peer reviewed scientific journal designed to promote both fundamental and applied regional achievements in medicine, biology, agriculture and related disciplines in the Russian Federation and abroad.
For the purposes of publication, the editorial board of the journal selects reviews, analytical articles and original research papers as well as brief reports and professional reviews on most significant achievements in agronomy and forestry, biochemistry and molecular biology, ecology and nature management, physiology, public health and preventive medicine.
A wide range of problems appearing on the pages of the journal is determined by its social and scientific-and-practical orientations.
Current Issue

ISSN 2658-6649; eISSN 2658-6657
Publisher and Founder: Science and Innovation Center Publishing House
Frequency: 6 times per year
Scope: original high quality research and review articles related to agronomy and forestry, biochemistry and molecular biology, ecology and nature management, physiology, public health and preventive medicine